Can Gas Fireplace Logs Heat a Room?

As the cold winter months approach and holiday festivities start kicking off in full swing, many Tennessee homeowners start looking for ways to effectively heat their homes. One popular option are gas fireplaces, which can provide warmth and add ambiance to any room,...

Can I Zone My Heating System?

Manual zoning has been around for as long as people have been heating and cooling their homes and spaces. Many homeowners do their best to save money and avoid heating and cooling certain areas by closing doors or register vents for rooms that are not being used....

How Do Heating & Cooling Systems Work?

So, how exactly does your heating and cooling system work? We often get this question when we are out on service calls here at Petitt Heating & Cooling, and we want to address each type we see here in the Sumner County area. While they are not all prevalent...